MSP Germany – Eine frühere geheime Motorölformel, die für den Einsatz in Hubschraubern, Panzern und U-Booten entwickelt wurde, verleiht nun Ihrem Motor dieselbe robuste Leistung und denselben Schutz.

Die MSP Germany Produkte halten und schützen Ihre Motoren auch unter extremsten Bedingungen.



MSP-Produkte werden besonders in der Automobilindustrie eingesetzt, in der industriellen Fertigung und auch bei Endkunden. Die hervorragenden Lubrifikations-Eigenschaften von MSP-Produkten verringern den Verschleiß von Motoren und Aggregaten, bringen verlängerte Wartungsintervalle, reduzieren Emissionen und erhöhen die Produktivität in der Fertigung.


In der Bauindustrie sind Zeit und Sicherheit die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren. Um einen zeitgerechten und sicheren Ablauf zu gewährleisten, ist eine reibungslose und störungsfreie Funktion von Maschinen und Gerätschaften besonders wichtig, durch die Verwendung von MSP-Produkten werden ungeplante Maschinenstillstände und -ausfälle und damit verbundene Kostenexplosionen vermieden. Mit MSP-Produkten funktionieren alle Erdbewegungsmaschinen, Kräne und Bohrmaschinen einwandfrei, ohne Störfälle.


Die größten Herausforderungen in der Schifffahrt sind Korrosion und Schäden durch Feuchtigkeit. Die antioxidative und wasserabweisende Wirkung von MSP-Produkten bringt Schutz für alle Maschinen und Ausrüstungsteile und damit deren höhere Leistungsfähigkeit, auf hoher See und auch in der Binnenschifffahrt.

Industrielle Fertigung

Moderne Industriebetriebe arbeiten mit hochtechnologischen und damit kapitalintensiven Maschinen, deren fehlerfreies Arbeiten den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg eines Unternehmens bedingen. Der Einsatz von MSP-Produkten erhöht die Lebensdauer von Maschinen, reduziert ungeplante Produktionsstillstände. Betriebliche Produktionskosten werden durch längere Wartungsintervalle, geringeren Betriebsmitteleinsatz und höhere Lebensdauer von Produktionsmaschinen und Werkzeugen verringert.

MSP Germany - Produkte


Für Benzin-/Dieselmotoren und XL2-Zweitaktmotoren

  • Trägt zu saubereren Emissionen bei
  • Beseitigt bis zu 95 % des Motorverschleißes
  • Verdoppelt oder verdreifacht die Lebensdauer des Motors
  • Reduziert die Betriebstemperatur des Motors
  • Verlängert die Ölwechselintervalle erheblich
  • Verbessert die Leistung und den Kraftstoff-/Ölverbrauch
  • Hält den Motor vollständig frei von Ablagerungen
  • Schützt den Motor bei Öl- oder Kühlmittelverlust


Durchdringendes Schmiermittel mit molekularer Technologie

  • Weist Wasser und Staub ab und hält die Teile geschmiert
  • Unterwandert Rost und verdrängt Feuchtigkeit
  • Reduziert die Reibung und den Verschleiß von Metall auf Metall
  • Vermeidet das Verschweißen (von Metall an Werkzeugen)
  • Ermöglicht längere Wartungsintervalle
  • Reduziert Lärm und Temperatur
  • 20-mal länger haltbar und wirksamer als jedes andere
  • Produkt auf dem Markt
  • Reinigt und hemmt elektrische Korrosion

MSP GDFC – Kraftstoffaufbereiter


  • Es zerlegt die Kraftstoffmoleküle in kleine Partikel und bewirkt damit eine effizientere Verbrennung.
  • Erhöht die Reichweite und die Leistung.
  • Neutralisiert und kondensiert Wasser im Kraftstofftank.
  • Maximiert Leistung und Kompression
  • Reinigt und schmiert die Kraftstoffsysteme im inneren des Motors
  • Sorgt für einen schnelleren Start bei kalten Temperaturen
  • Trägt zu saubereren Emissionen bei
  • Reduziert die Umweltverschmutzung
  • Schmiert bewegliche Teile der Brennkammer


Allzweck Lithiumkomplexschmierfett

  • Weist Feuchtigkeit und Wasser von Reibungsteilen ab
  • Bietet zusätzlichen Schutz
  • Reduziert den Energieverbrauch
  • Schmiermittel für ein großes Temperaturspektrum
  • Schützt die Ausrüstung bei Fettverlust oder Ausfall des
  • Pumpsystems
  • Eliminiert bis zu 95 % des Lagerverschleißes
  • Minimiert die Wartungshäufigkeit und den Verschleiß der Ausrüstung


Find out what our satisfied customers have to say about our first-class products. Their opinions and experiences provide insight into the quality and effectiveness of our top products.

James A. Proebstl and friends travel across the Australian Outback over 11,000km with MSP treated 4WD’s.


In September and October of 2006 our group of 8 friends set out on a trip from Melbourne, up the Canning Stock Route to Halls Creek and then home along the Stuart Highway. A total distance of approximately 11,000km.

The vehicles using MSP were 2 Nissan Patrols (diesel) and one 1995 XJ Jeep Cherokee.

The Nissans were beautifully prepared and did not miss a beat for the entire trip. Their fuel consumptions improved.

The Jeep suffered from serious overloading. This put significant strain on engine, suspension and diffs. On 2 occasions, as a result of vibrations and build quality the oil pressure switch was lost with subsequent loss of oil. Loss of oil was only identified from smoke generated by oil leaking onto the exhaust as the sensor was lost.

Refilling with oil showed no deterioration of the pistons or cylinders.

Did MSP save the day? We would not like to try it again without MSP.

Due to suspension failure and resulting improvisation the Jeep “crabbed” the second half of the journey with wheels pointing one way and axles the other. Strain on the drive train and diff caused serious loss of oil which was not discovered until return. Did MSP save the day?

Even before the trip and after inducting MSP into the engine oil there was a noticeable improvement in engine running. Smoother, quieter… All subjective, but giving a real positive impression to a skeptic.

We continue to use MSP.

Thanking you,
James A. Proebstl
Manager of Operations
Australian Abalone Exports Pty. Ltd.

Drag Racing with MSP

Drag racing takes an enormous toll on the wear and tear of an engine. The performance of the engine is where races are won or lost.

I am pleased to say that MSP Metal Treatment Concentrate has helped my car win several races and trophies.

Because MSP Metal Treatment Concentrate eliminates friction from the engine, my car’s engine is now able to achieve maximum revs much sooner, with increased horsepower, less vibration and lower oil temperature.

In addition, with MSP Metal Treatment Concentrate the engine oil after a run is as good as new. The oil is significantly cleaner than it was before the car was treated with MSP. Because the engine oil viscosity is maintained, fewer oil changes are now required.

Although my engine will not be stripped for another few months, I would be very surprised to see the usual wear and tear.

I am confident MSP Metal Treatment Concentrate has given my engine the total protection promised by MSP Metal Treatment Concentrate.

Neville Heffler
Heffler Racing Team

Avoid Machine Failures and Production Stops!

Kärntner Montanindustrie headquarters is in Wolfsberg, Austria and is the world’s leading producer and distributor of micaceous iron oxide, with an export rate of more than 95%.

We usually have considerable quantities of hematite swarfs containing 98% iron.

We started to use MSP EP-2 Grease in November 2006 and could successfully eliminate this problem.

By using MSP EP-2 Grease on lithium basis we could avoid machine failures and production stops.

Eng. Gutschi
Head of Maintenance Department

MSP Reduces Working Temperatures!
Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. in Austria produce laminates, wooden boards, fibreboards, prefabricated furniture components, Laquered boards, laminated boards, laminate flooring and faced boards.
During production of these items, some bearings showed high temperatures of up to 110-120°C. These high temperatures considerably shortened the lifetime of bearings, causing machine and production stops as well as high repair and maintenance costs.
In December 2006, MSP EP-2 Grease was applied on the so-called problem bearings. The results was a significant decrease in the bearings temperature.
The average working temperature decreased from 110-120°C to 80°C!
Thus, the stand still (idling) of machinery, additional expenses for repairs and loss of production could be avoided.
The regular use of MSP EP-2 Grease has been included in the production process.
…MSP Exhaust Emissions Tests…
The Austrian Car Touring Club, ÖEAMTC offers for its members the annual obligatory technical and security check. This includes a safety check, lights check, wheels check, electronic check, compress check and chassis check. Besides the above checks the car has to pass also an exhaust gases check.
We treated a BMW 320 turbodiesel with MSP Engine Formulation and MSP Fuel Conditioner.
Exhaust Emission Test Results
Reading (km)
k-value m(-1)
Actual Value
k-value (m-1)
Max Value
27-10-0460, 6130.072.55
17-11-0463, 0850.000.62
  • The use of MSP Engine Formulation and MSP Fuel Conditioner has reduced emissions (max k-value) by over 70%.
  • The use of MSP Engine Formulation and MSP Fuel Conditioner has reduced emissions (max k-value) by over 70%.
MSP Treatment History
05-11-2004Added 473ml of MSP Engine Formulation (1st treatment)
Added 60ml of MSP Fuel Conditioner
09-11-2004Added 60ml of MSP Fuel Conditioner
11-11-2004Added 60ml of MSP Fuel Conditioner
12-11-2004Change motor oil
Added MSP Engine Formulation (2nd treatment)
The above independent official and obligatory check made by the Austrian Car Touring Club showed an improved combustion and reduced friction and wear by MSP!

Date of Treatment: 6th October 2016
Vehicle Type: Truck
Vehicle Licence: L 16.549
Location: Austria
Treatment Team: C. Nährer-Graf and W. Rojik

Pre Treatment: Emissions were extremely polluted with black smoke coming out of the exhaust

Treatment Done: MSP Engine Formulation was added to the engine oil and MSP Fuel Conditioner was added to the fuel whilst the engine was running and already warmed up. The gearbox was also treated with MSP Engine Forumation.

Post-Treatment: After a short 10 minute drive, the black smoke emissions disappeared almost completely.

Article Composed by:
C. Nährer-Graf and W. Rojik

Date of Treatment: 11th October 2018

Vehicle Type: Passenger Bus

Vehicle Licence: JGW3382

Location: Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Treatment Team: Vass Avram, Huang Hong Hee, Tony Wang and Andrew Wang

Pre Treatment: During the engine idling, a lot of black smoke was observed at the bus’s rear exhaust pipe.

Treatment Done: MSP Engine Formulation was added to the vehicle’s engine and MSP Fuel Conditioner added to the diesel tank. In addition, MSP Metal Treatment were added to the power steering, auto transmission, axle differential and axle hub to reduce wear and tear to these components.

Post-Treatment: No black smoke was observed at the exhaust pipe. The diesel engine of the bus was running smoother and engine sound decibel was reduced.

Article Composed by:
Andrew Wang
Marketing Consultant
Singapore and Australia


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